Monday, July 19, 2010

Afghanistan Day 58: NMAA and KAIA (July 19)

In the last two weeks I have been working fast and furiously at NMAA.  This is my primary assignment currently.  NMAA is the National Military Academy of Afghanistan, which is the Afghan version of West Point.  I have been working on standing up a new degree in English, supporting the expansion of English instruction as the program scales up to include 2200 students, creating an English library, addressing issues of learning management and automation, helping people plan and prepare for female students and faculty increasing rapidly in the next two years,  testing up the senior English class, developing and executing teacher training/ planning instructor development programs, and still working on the new book: Ground Zero.  I work all day long, literally, and there is just never enough time in the day. 

Last night was the first time in country that I've been able to go to the gym.  It was wonderful.  It's 9:34 pm and I am taking my first break of the day since I began working at 6:30 this morning. 


  1. Oh my dear girl....what wonderful work you are doing. Eduction IS the greatest gift. Quality education is beyond beyond a dream for these people. I love who you are. Yeah for the gym!!! I marvel at you every day with each word I receive. So glad i was chosen to be your mom.

  2. Wow, Lark. I have seen an encrypted facebook post now and again from you over the last weeks and months, but not till I followed a link here did I have a clue where in the world you were and what you were doing! Wow! What an adventure your life is! You are so impressive to me. How long will you be in Afghanistan?

  3. Heather-
    I'm here until they let me leave! :)
    Thanks for reading- enjoy!

  4. I knew what Stevens was losing when you took this position! You are the perfect person to develop this. Keep up the good work.
