Saturday, July 7, 2012

Independence Day in Texas: Land Where Our Fathers Died

While meandering around in the cemetery (it was blistering heat by noon), I found two lovely sisters taking care of their father's grave.  The love and respect this family had for their father was very clear and they were cheerful in their work.  

Grass must be installed and watered by the family.  

Mr. Zapata was initially US Army, but then switched to US Air Force. He used to salute this solider on holidays and for special events as a symbol of his service to the United States.  Now his solider salutes him in memorium.   

Two loving daughters honoring their father.

Inscription reads:  Popo (nickname) You will always be in our hearts.  

The names of his children create the "bottom line" of text.  

Peace is thine.

God took you home.
How wonderful for me to have the experience of observing this family.  Thank you for allowing me to witness your efforts and for sharing about your family.  God Bless!

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